What Elements Differentiate a Good Interior Designer from a Bad One?

Bedroom Interior Design

Whether it is for commercial property or a private residence, good interior design can maximise the amount of space available, increase the value of your home in bedroom interior design, and make you fall in love with your home (or even your office, who knew!)

Hiring an interior designer may sometimes feel like an unnecessary cost. However, there are many benefits to utilising the skills and expertise of a good interior designer. Usually, they are formally trained in Bangkok interior design company practices and can bring fresh and creative ideas to the project at hand. They can help take your initial concept, and combine them into a coherent and functional space. This helps you feel more comfortable and can also help increase the value and appeal of the property. Interior designers are also likely to have a list of trusted contacts and retailers, allowing them access to a wider range of design tools and tradespeople to help get the job done. 

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash

Qualities of a good interior designer 

While it can be said that interior designers need to be inherently creative, there are several additional factors that constitute a good interior designer. 


A good interior designer is highly detail-oriented, allowing them to focus on each individual design element – no matter how small. Attention to detail allows the designer to complete an aspect of the room thoroughly, and ensure all creative briefs are being met. 

Able to focus on the bigger picture 

Although it is important for interior designers to be detail-oriented, they also need to have an understanding of how all the details work together to make a coherent and attractive whole. Without understanding the bigger picture, design elements may seem haphazard and may not work together in a way that is appealing or functional. 

Understanding of colour and light theories 

Light and colour are some of the most fundamental interior design elements and have a significant impact on the overall design and feel of a room. A good designer can utilise light in a way that makes a room feel bigger or smaller than they actually are. In addition, they will be able to utilise colours in order to impact the overall mood of a room, based on colour psychology practices. 

Understand the space and functionality of a room

No matter the size or layout of a room, a good interior designer will be able to furnish it in a way that maximises its space and functionality. The designer should be able to ensure that every element in the room serves a purpose, aids the flow of the space and that the room is not over-furnished or cluttered. 

Interior designer qualities to avoid  

When an interior designer is not meeting the mark, the issues are often able to be resolved with open communication and a review of the design plans. However, there are a few notable issues for clients to look out for. These include: 

  • An interior designer forcing their ideas on you, and not understanding or refusing to work with your design brief. 
  • An interior designer that lacks original ideas, creating cookie-cutter designs and plagiarising other designers’ work. 
  • A designer who is unable to stick to the budget you have set, or is unable to meet deadlines. 

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